“Silence please”
Silence is a period without any sound
A period of complete quiet
So says those with a mastery of the English Language
Yet others say that you can communicate without using words
That silence is a sound, ask Simon and Garfunkel
That it is the most powerful scream
That silence is deafening
When your phonebook is full of numbers
But nobody calls
That silence is a language
That it can prove a point
Saying a lot by not saying anything
That silence is a weapon
To help ignore those trying to annoy
To show that you are upset
You drift away into silence
To create peace and quiet
That silence is romantic.
That it is a beautiful voice
When silence takes the stage
All other actors and activities around dissipate
What remains is just, the speech of Love
That silence is medicine
That it can heal broken hearts
Hearts broken by creation of distance between
Hearts with emotional pain that physically hurts
Just cry, they say
And let the teardrops fall
Release yourself
To drown in the wells of silence.
That silence is a disability
They are dumb, they say
And yet those who can talk
And say nothing
Are called dumb too
Yet others say that silence is a show of cowardice
That it portrays weakness
That it is a show of guilt
That silence means consent
That it construes loneliness
That silence is a peacemaker
That it is the mother of truth
Silence, silence, silence
So now, what do you say silence is?
As for me, I will continue learning to hear silence.