Thank You God Almighty for Answered Prayers

Categories Emotions, Human Nature, Meditation

When I was a child
uncountable years ago
I asked You to be my shepherd.
Your answer was instant;
You promised to be by my side
every step of the way;
and You have not dissapointed.

I know that You never said
that I would not encounter
difficulties and challenges;
but I believed,
I trusted.

It’s true that
I have been fearful once in a while,
It’s true that
friends looked the other way
and even despised me
when I needed them most.
It’s true that
I have been lonely now and then;
as I journeyed the contours
of this wide world.

But You have kept the promise
to the letter.
You have been there for me
as I endured and overcame
the more than fair share
of the rough, the hardknocks
and the beatings,
that came my way,
sometimes overwhelmingly.

I know that Your replies
to my asks, my prayers and my demands
were not always positive
and were not always immediate;
but they always came,
positive or negative,
at Your time
and were never wrong.
I am a witness
that Your grace
has been sufficient
each and every time.

I remain most thankful
for Your love and magnanimity
as You continue keeping Your promise
to be a light in the midst of darkness;
as You continue to dry every tear that I cry
including the tears of joy
as I count my blessings.

And so ……………………………………. ,
just like David the Psalmist in Psalm 37:25:
I am a witness that once I was young
and now I am old,
yet I have never seen
the righteous forsaken
or their children begging bread.

Thank You Lord. Alhamdulillah.

I am an epic introvert, who quickly becomes an open book when I pen what’s in my significantly fertile mind; fertile as a result of bombardment by realities that are continuously captured by my inquisitive eyes, ears which are constantly rubbing the ground, through constant reading, and through dreaming too.

Writing provides an opportunity to ‘say’ what my unapologetic quiet mouth will not say; which not only soothes me, but also bequeaths to me a relief, a release, and a hope that the written words will change the world, even if only one person at a time.

And so should you seek, that’s where to find me; deeply tucked inside the blankets of reading, seeing, listening, dreaming, and then writing.

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