On the road that lies before you,
there will be twists and turns.
Sometimes the seas
will become rough to sail on.
You may fall,
love might flee, and
friends may leave too.
Words may be spoken in anger;
words that tear your world apart.
You may sit there feeling sorry for yourself.

No matter how dark and gloomy
the situation may seem,
do not give up hope.
Try to re-discover your strength.
Like the sun, you too
can rise from the darkness
and shine your light again.

Continue Reading "You Will Survive, My Girls"

Dear child, with each
Happy-Father’s-day message I received,
I remembered
the surprise of new fatherhood
every time each one of you
came into my life
whether through birth
or when our paths met.

I remembered
the day when I met you for the first time;
it had never occurred to me before then,
that I could be so overcome
by anyone like that.

That day, as I wrote your name
across my heart;

Continue Reading "A Father’s Gratitude For The Best Wishes"