Like a book, is made up of a series of Chapters, which have been written by a pen whose ink was my feelings, words, thoughts, actions, non-actions, choices, character development and relationships. The Chapters are different though overlapping; and each Chapter influences the others; each successful ending of one Chapter is followed by an exciting…Continue Reading “My Journey Through Life”
Yes, I know that I forgot
what I was sent to buy this morning;
I know that I even misplaced the money,
but I won’t let that dim my joy
as I go home this evening.
It won’t dim my joy because
my day was full of undiluted, free-spirited,
and innocent happiness.
Photo Credit: Photographer Unknown to me
Yes, Yes, I know that
the livestock that I was grazing
You won’t read this dad, I know,
but I will write it anyway.
You never made a fortune,
in this world where men
seek after riches and fame;
you were never heard of as a hero;
you gave me neither eminence nor wealth,
but you gave me blood untainted with vice,
and opulence of undiluted health.
A breeze has ruffled the neat hedges
of the sweet memories of my childhood:
Somewhere deep in my feeble heart
l desire to go back in time
and become a kid again.
I desire to go back to those days
when I was innocent,
carefree and free-spirited.