On my mind is a lady that I met searching for something inside her handbag, most probably her house keys since she was outside a door. The search was so furious that I couldn’t mind my own business any longer. When I approached her, I smiled and said, “zitapatikana tu”. She gave me an awkward, but beautiful smile.

As I passed, I couldn’t help noticing the contents of the bag since they were strewn all over on the ground, and more were still flying off the bag.

I can now confirm the “Big Bag” theory or myth that a ladies handbag is bottomless. It is a bag of wonders, secrets and mystery, considering that she had not finished turning the bag upside down and inside out by the time she was out of my sight, *since I kept looking back to appreciate the beauty and monitor, evaluate and gauge progress of the recovery efforts*.

This got my tiny brain to think that these search and recovery or rescue missions can be made much easier and faster if designers of these bags became a little bit more creative.

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