Have you ever wondered why your marriage does not look like it will be a “till death do we part” affair? Did you know that it doesn’t have to be that way; that “they lived happily ever after” doesn’t happen only in fairy tales? Then wonder no more, because it is possible to make the…Continue Reading “Three Important Life Lessons on Love in Marriage”
When two fall in love,
immediately after they give
their hearts to each other,
it’s all roses, it’s candle light,
it is a romantic experience,
it is the best fit, it is juicy,
it is sexy, it is hot,
the hormones go haywire,
the hormones get thrown into a blender;
the movie of the love birds
plays 24/7 in their heads,
daydreaming about
the precious little moments together,
and the mementos.
But in the restless world
that we live in today,
when two fall in love,
the initial flame soon dies down;
love ends before it’s begun;
and the many hot moonlight kisses,
cool in the warmth of the sun.
All of a sudden, the rosy love gives way to:
Continue Reading "The Phases Of Everlasting Love"