Is it a tear I hear in his voice?
After years of policy attention to girls,
a reaction to expanded women’s rights,
not meant to be negative backlash;
the result, though, has been
a neglected boy child.

Is it a tear I hear in the voice?
of the boy child who has been left behind
in the gender equality agenda.
Society has assumed that the boy-child
is able to figure out their life,
that because he is male,
he knows the way,
he does not need direction.
he does not need support.

Is it a tear I hear in the voice?
of the boy child
who is not supposed to cry or lament;
stipulations upon the boy child
that have bred angry, weak,
unstable, rough
and disrespectful men.

Yes I know
it is your tear I hear
in your voice dear boy child,
but I want you to know that

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