On my mind are those of us folks who were born in the nineteen fifties and sixties: We, thankfully, got an education in the sixties, seventies, and extending into the eighties, the latter period of which was interspersed with moments of leisure. This was followed by a period of stabilization and getting wiser, somewhat. The…Continue Reading “What A Full Life It Has Been For The Baby Boomer Generation”

When I was a child
uncountable years ago
I asked You to be my shepherd.
Your answer was instant;
You promised to be by my side
every step of the way;
and You have not dissapointed.

I know that You never said
that I would not encounter
difficulties and challenges;
but I believed,
I trusted.

It’s true that
I have been fearful once in a while,
It’s true that
friends looked the other way
and even despised me
when I needed them most.
It’s true that
I have been lonely now and then;
as I journeyed the contours
of this wide world.

But You have kept the promise
to the letter.
You have been there for me
as I endured and overcame
the more than fair share
of the rough, the hardknocks
and the beatings,
that came my way,
sometimes overwhelmingly.

Continue Reading "Thank You God Almighty for Answered Prayers"

A friend once told me and I quote “I know that you civil servant earn peanuts. I make lots of money from my employment and from my side business of selling cars. I sell at least one car every week. But even with all that, you are way richer than me. “

“The reason I am holding this fund raiser is because the money I make is not enough. My one week old child has an ailment but doctors say she can’t be operated on until she is three months old. In the meantime I have to spend Kshs 10,000 every week on kidney dialysis until the girl is operated on.

Continue Reading "Why Do we Take God’s Blessings in our Lives for Granted"