Strive to lead a simple and easy life;
quickly make amends and forgive easily.
Know that you’ve got the power within you
to be happy always;
by saying, “No” to things which,
and people who,
stress you out.

Appreciate that your happiness
depends on only you; on
who you choose to be your friend
what you decide to listen to
what you choose to see and watch
where you decide to go; and
who your heart decides to love.
Stay away from folks who
make life hard on you.

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“Do not compare your beginning to someone else’s middle”

My child, I know that your Primary School, Secondary School or College mates have gone in different directions. Some have completed university and are now doctors, engineers, teachers, pilots, lawyers, administrators, and so on. Some are running their second or third degrees; while some haven’t gained admission into tertiary institutions and may never do. Some own companies; and others are directors and shareholders in reputable companies. Some are married and some have children. Some are on the sick bed; and others are dead, don’t forget that too.

My child, you will meet them and feel that they have accomplished their dreams while you feel you’re not close to achieving yours; but also know that you will meet others who are still struggling to survive.

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Desiderata is a motivating and inspiring poem that has been passed down for many generations. It was written around 1920 but copyrighted in 1927, by lawyer Max Ehrmann (1872-1945) from Indiana, USA.

Constant and regular recital of the poem may help to shape our attitude towards God, people and the universe. The poem has often been cited as a guide on how to harness these three so that we can live calm, enjoyable and satisfying lives which are free of dullness, confusion and weariness.

Here goes the poem:

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