The cost of corruption is beyond loss of public funds; it encroaches into all facets of our lives beyond the imaginable:

My mind wonders why we become surprised:

when buildings which have been approved by architects and structural engineers as fit for human habitation collapse at will;

or when a patient who was admitted for appendix removal ends up having cranial surgery, aka, surgery of the brain, after being mis-tagged;

or when people are diagnosed with illnesses that they never had in the first place;

or when items used during a surgery are left tucked inside after the bodies are neatly closed up;

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“Wealth without work” was described by Mahatma Gandhi as one of the “Seven Deadly Sins”; the others being, “Pleasure without conscience, Science without humanity, Knowledge without character, Politics without principle, Commerce without morality, and Worship without sacrifice”.

These seven deadly sins perfectly define the misery that is brought about by corruption. The love of wealth without sweat has rendered human life useless. It has made life cheap and expendable.

The Seven Deadly Sins have made it very dangerous to step outside the house every morning of every single day; the reason being

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