I haven’t yet let this world make me bitter.
I haven’t yet let the actions of other people
make me to become cold on the inside.

Even though certain things
happened that hurt me,
people came that left me,
and there were moments
when I fell.

I have learnt that there are moments
in life when one feels
like giving up
and can’t take it anymore.

But I haven’t let those things
make me unkind.

I continue learning that
it’s okay to fall;
it’s okay to cry.
It’s okay to be sad.
But it’s never okay
to do other people wrong
just because I was done wrong.

I continue learning that
we’re human.
We break.
We make mistakes.
But we rise again.

I continue learning not to let
pain and sadness
run my life.

I continue learning that
every morning when I wake up
I should do what I think is right.

I continue learning that it’s okay.
To breathe. To inhale. To exhale.
And that I am weak.

I continue learning that
the things that show my weak side
are the same ones
that make me stronger in the long run.

I continue learning that it’s all about
taking whatever life throws at me
and learning from it
that shall make me stronger.

I am an epic introvert, who quickly becomes an open book when I pen what’s in my significantly fertile mind; fertile as a result of bombardment by realities that are continuously captured by my inquisitive eyes, ears which are constantly rubbing the ground, through constant reading, and through dreaming too.

Writing provides an opportunity to ‘say’ what my unapologetic quiet mouth will not say; which not only soothes me, but also bequeaths to me a relief, a release, and a hope that the written words will change the world, even if only one person at a time.

And so should you seek, that’s where to find me; deeply tucked inside the blankets of reading, seeing, listening, dreaming, and then writing.

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