I’ll never forget how you suddenly
came into my life
and brought me perfect happiness,
comfort, pleasure,
and great joy beyond measure.
It was love at first sight,
I loved you without limits,
even when I knew deep down
that you would most probably one day,
break my heart
in pursuit of your heart’s desires,
a better love than I could give.
And therefore as my heart
was becoming cosy
and getting used to love unlimited,
you left one morning,
but I thought that you would come back
like you had done
so many times before.
But you never came back;
It is now one hundred and eighty days,
six months since you walked out the door
that chilly morning,
without a goodbye.
Or maybe you said goodbye
but I was so lost in love,
so consumed that I didn’t hear it.
It took days, then months,
to realize that you might not come back;
but I still waited, just like I am doing now.
That realization hit me hard,
you left this heart of mine
bleeding and so broken in two
that I have blamed myself
every single day
for not giving you enough love,
and letting you slip away
into another’s loving arms.
Since then, I have not been able
to get you out of my mind.
I have been at the mercy of old memories,
but I must confess that
I have simultaneously been jealous;
at the thought that your heart
became captured by a another,
and therein, you found the home
that your heart sought.
It seems to me that it’s over for you,
but I must confess it’s only over for you.
You can go on believing we are through,
but any fool can see with one look at me
that I am falling apart,
because it’s no over for me.
And so, even though you hurt me so,
I still love you with all of my heart;
I’d trade my tomorrows,
for one single yesterday with you;
with your body cuddled up
to my bare chest and pot belly,
the way we shared the love secrets
of our souls.
But experts say that
chances are high
that you will come back to me;
and so, I’ve retained your bowl
and your personal tools;
exactly where you left them,
your favorite chair is still vacant.
But I miss you my love;
when you decide to come back home,
I’ll be right here waiting,
with arms wide open,
and you will once again
lay on my faded-jeans-covered-laps,
or my bare chest and pot belly.
I’ll be right here waiting,
for you my family’s favourite tom cat, “Bliss”;
who purred his way into our hearts,
and then one day disappeared into oblivion;
leaving behind no eager purrs,
and no softly padded paws
to ecstatically meet and greet us
when we came back home.
All the same, regardless,

I wish you well Bliss, my love.