When asked, “How are you?”
I say, “I am trying to be good”
I am trying to find spiritual satisfaction
In the midst of the hopelessness, loneliness, and unhappiness
I am trying to encourage and to serve
When all around me are illnesses, pain and anguish
I am trying to work hard and improve myself
Amid the drudgery, labor and toil
I am trying to be gentle and loving in deed and in thought
In the middle of grudges, bitterness, and resentment
I am trying to deal with my failures and dissatisfaction,
And to seize opportunities that make me a better person
Amongst the hate, lies, blame and rumors
I am trying to self-reflect about my own imperfections
Despite being surrounded by crime, brutality and hooliganism
I am trying to show love to my neighbor in all that I do or say
And also prayerfully trying to find my inner peace
The conflicts, battles and wars notwithstanding
I am trying to prevent my self-esteem from becoming eroded
And to cultivate trust, chastity and happiness
Regardless of intensifying immorality, indecency and dishonesty
I am trying to show kindness and authenticity in all that I do
In the face of increasing insincerity, and lack of integrity
Above all, as I sail through this life, I am constantly trying
To remain steadfast, unwavering, and resolute,
And to blend in and hide in plain sight
Because my goal is to be the best person I can be
Not only to those that I care about; oh, that’s easy
But also to those who wish to see me hurt; oh, that’s hard
And that is the reason why, when asked, “How are you?”
I say, “I am trying to be good”.