Why did you do this last night?
It’s hurting me and I can’t forget.
Why must you risk your life so?
You allowed her, and that’s a fact.
As I watched, she massaged
your bare skin,
severally kissed you tenderly,
and even suckled.
To make matters worse,
she most probably even infected you.
As if that was not enough,
and with no iota of shame,
she repeated the same with another,
and another, as I watched helplessly.
I am just telling you this as your best friend;
at least that’s what I think I am to you.
I can’t keep it to myself
because what you did was not right.
You look surprised as if you have no idea
what I’m talking about.
Do not look so innocent,
I even know her name
because this is not the first time
that you’ve let yourself loose to her,
in my presence.
Her name is …….
…….. Mosquito.
I love you, despite;
but when you decide to use a mosquito net,
at least use it well;
cover yourself decently and carefully
so that you are out of reach;
because Malaria is spread
by the bite of an infected
female Anopheles mosquito.