How Great Thou Art – I Now Get It

Categories Lifestyle, Meditation, Religion

I have sung the hymnal, “How Great Thou Art” countless times;
but it’s not until now that it is clicking in my mind
how great Thou actually are.

That when I say that I consider
all Your awesome wonder,
I never got to that part where
I could visualize
that it is Your greatness that prevents:
• Schools being cancelled.
• Self-distancing measures being put in place
• Entire sports seasons being cancelled.
• Concerts, tours, festivals and entertainment events being cancelled; and,
• Weddings, family celebrations, holiday gatherings being cancelled.

That when I say that I consider all
the worlds Your hands have made,
I never got to the point where
I could visualize
that it is Your greatness that prevents:
• Masses, Churches, Mosques being closed.
• Gatherings being limited to no more than 10.
• Children’s outdoor play parks being closed.
• Masks, gowns, gloves for front-line workers being in short supply.
• Ventilators for the critically ill being unavailable; and,
• Shelves in supermarkets being bare.

That when I say that I see the stars,
and that I hear the rolling thunder,
I never got to the point where
I could visualize
that it is Your greatness that prevents:
• Governments across the world closing borders to all non-essential travel.
• Courts being closed.
• Stadiums and recreation facilities being converted to field hospitals.
• Barely no one on the streets after 18:59:59.
• Everybody wearing masks to cover their mouths and noses when outside.
• Essential service workers being terrified to go to work.
• Medical field workers being afraid to go home to their families.

But then sings my soul,
my Saviour God, to Thee:
How great Thou art,
how great Thou art;
because now I have gotten to the part
where I recognize Your mightiness,
and Your greatness.

And, therefore, henceforth
my soul shall continue to sing,
“How Great Thou Art”,
as it continues to remind itself
of the need to be thankful,
and grateful;
to be kind to each other,
to love one another, and
to support everyone,
until that time
when Christ shall come
with shout of acclamation
and lead us home.

I am an epic introvert, who quickly becomes an open book when I pen what’s in my significantly fertile mind; fertile as a result of bombardment by realities that are continuously captured by my inquisitive eyes, ears which are constantly rubbing the ground, through constant reading, and through dreaming too.

Writing provides an opportunity to ‘say’ what my unapologetic quiet mouth will not say; which not only soothes me, but also bequeaths to me a relief, a release, and a hope that the written words will change the world, even if only one person at a time.

And so should you seek, that’s where to find me; deeply tucked inside the blankets of reading, seeing, listening, dreaming, and then writing.

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