Being A Mother For The First Time – The Experience of Mary the Mother of Jesus
Categories Lifestyle, Religion, Tales From My Fertile MindWhen Mary gave birth to Jesus, she was a first-time mother; and regardless of the miraculous circumstances of the birth of Jesus, she must have experienced what every first-time mother goes through.
She was engaged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was visited by an angel who told her that, though she was a virgin, she would conceive and give birth to the son of God through a miracle. This announcement must have left her with shock and wonder; she must have been in a lot of distress wondering how she would break these news to her lover, Joseph. Indeed, had the angel not intervened in a dream when Joseph first heard that Mary was expecting, Joseph was already contemplating divorcing her quietly so that she was not exposed to public disgrace. As advised by the angel, he took Mary home as his wife.
Like all first-time mothers, Mary must have disbelieved the news and probably even panicked a bit when she first found out that she was pregnant. The disbelief must have increased when she came to learn that her old, childless relative, Elizabeth, was five months pregnant. Probably to confirm this, she visited Elizabeth; and stayed with her for about three months and then returned home.
During her pregnancy, Mary must have gone through the same challenges all first-time mothers undergo: barely eating and drinking initially; consumed by thoughts about pregnancy and parenthood; periods of anxiety; and also anticipation to hold the baby in her arms.
As with any other first-time mother, delivery must have been terrifying; but Mary brought forth her firstborn son, and laid Him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. The transition from being just her, to the new reality of motherhood where there was now a baby who required devoted one-on-one attention and was wholly dependent on her for existence; for warmth, for food, and for love. Though she had been told that she would give birth to a King, it must have been mind-boggling when visitors from far and wide trickled in to the lowly, magnificent stable to worship her son; when angels and signs led faithful people to the infant so that they could pay their respects.
As amazing as it was to become a parent for the first time, she must have felt unprepared for the unrelenting and selfless demands of an infant who seemed to know that she’d just fallen asleep, and then make that His optimal time to wake up. Because of that lack of preparedness at a time of increased responsibility, the dramatic changes of pregnancy and delivery, and the accompanying hormonal changes which impacted how she thought and felt about everything, she must have felt overwhelmed, stressed out, exhausted, unwell, isolated, and yet excited; and this must have made her cry even when she was really happy. Her vulnerability must have increased when it soon became necessary for their young family to flee to Egypt as refugees because the king was planning to harm her son.
Being a refugee when she was navigating a major life transition must have made her undergo both physical and emotional struggle to adapt to new roles and expectations, without the benefit of getting advice from friends and family; which must sometimes have made her worried, sad, frustrated, and fatigued, even with Joseph by her side and being her main support.
However, like any other first-time mother, Mary raised her son the best way she knew how, regardless of the inevitable scary experiences and exciting surprises. She both taught and learned from her son. And, despite it all, “Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man” – Luke 2:52 (New International Version)
“But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart” – Luke 2:19 (New International Version). Her response to all the events surrounding the birth and life of Jesus help us to understand her grandeur and magnificence. At the outset and for the rest of her life, a willingness to obey God, trust Him and do His will permeated all of her actions; her motto was, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy Word” – Luke 1:38 (King James Version).