Today’s days arrived
when they were least expected;
today’s days that are
more of days of sadness
than days of joy.

Before today’s sad days arrived
humanity went about daily life
with impunity,
without a care,
full of hate, greed, jealousy,
and with least regard for the other.

Before today’s days,
humanity was so puffed up
in its pomps and pride,
that its interdependence
was overlooked.

Before today’s days
well endowed folks
who were living,
looked down on
the folks beside them
who were meagerly endowed
and just trying to survive.

Continue Reading "Corona has Hit the World’s Rewind Button"

When I was a child
uncountable years ago
I asked You to be my shepherd.
Your answer was instant;
You promised to be by my side
every step of the way;
and You have not dissapointed.

I know that You never said
that I would not encounter
difficulties and challenges;
but I believed,
I trusted.

It’s true that
I have been fearful once in a while,
It’s true that
friends looked the other way
and even despised me
when I needed them most.
It’s true that
I have been lonely now and then;
as I journeyed the contours
of this wide world.

But You have kept the promise
to the letter.
You have been there for me
as I endured and overcame
the more than fair share
of the rough, the hardknocks
and the beatings,
that came my way,
sometimes overwhelmingly.

Continue Reading "Thank You God Almighty for Answered Prayers"

Way back during the times before internet, email and social media, a lot of ingenuity went into composing romantic letters and ensuring that they reached the intended recipient.

Despite not caring about the broken English and the many weeks, and sometimes months, that it took for the letter to reach the intended addressee, there was lots of thrill, and love, that was packaged in these letters, as exemplified here below:

“My dearest Abigail Mueni, sweetie,
with many love in my heart,
I pick my golden pen
from the basket of love
to write you this letter.

You are my first thought
in the morning
and I hold you
in my last breathe
as I go to sleep.
I hope this letter meet you
physically healthy,
spiritually receptivated,
and emotionally adaptivated.

Continue Reading "The Agony of Romancing during the Snail Mail Times"

I haven’t yet let this world make me bitter.
I haven’t yet let the actions of other people
make me to become cold on the inside.

Even though certain things
happened that hurt me,
people came that left me,
and there were moments
when I fell.

I have learnt that there are moments
in life when one feels
like giving up
and can’t take it anymore.

But I haven’t let those things
make me unkind.

I continue learning that
it’s okay to fall;
it’s okay to cry.
It’s okay to be sad.
But it’s never okay
to do other people wrong
just because I was done wrong.

Continue Reading "My Lessons in Life"

The old adage says, “An honest fundi is hard to find; the only honest fundi is a kinyozi, aka barber”.

This saying most probably considers barbers to be reliable and honest because they can not shave the head halfway and then ask the shavee *pun intended* to leave and come tomorrow for a shaving of the second half of the head.

A second reason why barbers probably pass the honesty test is because clients can not leave their heads with them;

because if they did, they would most probably find the heads not shaven and would have to walk around headless for as long as the head was with the barber.

This sets barbers apart as the only craftspeople, or fundis, who meet their end of the bargain, which is completing the job within the agreed time.

Continue Reading "The Only Honest Craftsmen Alive"